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Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
October - December
Exploration of Medicinal Plants of Hoshangabad Forest Division (Territorial), Madhya Pradesh, with Special Reference to Ayurveda
Sanjeev K Lale (1)
Sanjeev K Lale (1)
Ravi Chandra (2)
Ravi Chandra (2)
Chinmay Rath (3)
Chinmay Rath (3)
Anupam Mangal (3)
Anupam Mangal (3)
Soma N Murthy (1)
Soma N Murthy (1)
1. Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India 2. Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India 3. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences HQ, New Delhi, India
Aims and objectives: The present study deals with the important medicinal plants described in Ayurveda from Hoshangabad forest divisions of Madhya Pradesh. In July 2018, Hoshangabad forest division was explored. The study was conducted to prepare records of medicinal plants that deal with Ayurveda system with additional information such as the locality, botanical name, Sanskrit name, local name, and the GPS location in the study areas. Materials and methods: The medicinal plants described in Ayurveda with its GPS location and potential in the field has been recorded. Results: The important medicinal plants that are used in the Ayurvedic system like Adiantum lunulatum Burm. f., Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. Ex DC.) Wall. Ex Guillem. and Perr., Asparagus racemosus Willd., Boerhavia diffusa L., Dioscorea bulbifera L., Enicostema axillare subsp. Littorale (Blume) A. Raynal, Gardenia latifolia Aiton, etc. Conclusion: Hoshangabad forest division of Madhya Pradesh is very rich in medicinal plants. Some important species of medicinal plants described in Ayurveda text grow in abundance, such as Aegle marmelos (L.) Correa, Crinum latifolium L., Curculigo orchioides Gaertn., Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC., Drimia indica (Roxb.) Jessop, Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L., Strychnos potatorum L.f., Ventilago denticulata Willd., whereas plants of Aristolochia indica L., Argyreia sericea Dalzell, Holostemma ada-kodien Schult., Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob., Nervilia concolor (Blume) Schltr., Uraria picta (Jacq.) DC., etc., are rare in the habitat. Keywords: Ayurveda, Hoshangabad forest division, Madhya Pradesh, Medicinal plant, Territorial exploration
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Funded by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi