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Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences
January- March
Evaluation of the Effect of Jambira Pinda Sweda in Cervical Spondylosis w.r.t. Clinical Symptomatology
Sakshi Sharma (1)
Sakshi Sharma (1)
Renu Makhija (1)
Renu Makhija (1)
Mridula Dua (2)
Mridula Dua (2)
Valiparambil Chandran Deep (3)
Valiparambil Chandran Deep (3)
Paravazhi Radhakrishnan (4)
Paravazhi Radhakrishnan (4)
Amit Madan (1)
Amit Madan (1)
Bharti Gupta (1)
Bharti Gupta (1)
Richa Singhal (5)
Richa Singhal (5)
Rakesh Rana (5)
Rakesh Rana (5)
Vinod Kumar Lavaniya (5)
Vinod Kumar Lavaniya (5)
Madan Mohan Sharma (6)
Madan Mohan Sharma (6)
Narayanam Srikanth (5)
Narayanam Srikanth (5)
Kartar Singh Dhiman (5)
Kartar Singh Dhiman (5)
1. Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, India 2. Central Ayurveda Research Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, India 3. Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Urinary Disorders, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India 4. National Ayurveda Research Institute for Panchakarma, Cheruthuruthy, Kerala, India 5. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India 6. Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India
Introduction: Cervical spondylosis is a chronic degenerative condition of the cervical spine that affects the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs of the neck, and the contents of the spinal canal. Spondylosis progresses with age and often develops at multiple interspaces. Though many conventional treatments are available but in view of their side effects and dependency, it is important to search for safe and effective Ayurvedic treatment. Objective: To evaluate the effect of Jambira Pinda Sweda in cervical spondylosis w.r.t. clinical symptomatology. Materials and methods: A single-arm, open, prospective interventional clinical study was conducted at two peripheral institutes of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences. Total 60 patients of either sex aged between 30 years and 65 years, with clinical and radiological evidence of cervical spondylosis, were selected for the study. The treatment procedure Jambira Pinda Sweda was done daily for the period of 14 days. The patients were assessed at baseline, 7th day, 14th day, and 21st day (after 1 week without intervention) on the basis of relief in sign and symptoms of cervical spondylosis by reduction in the visual analog scale (VAS) score, Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire, and SF-36 Health Survey Score for Quality of life. Results: Mean value of VAS on baseline was 6.90, on 7th day it was 3.37, and decreased up to 2.57 on 14th day and 2.08 on 21st day showing statistically significant improvement (p < 0.001). The mean value of Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire on baseline was 45.79, on 7th day it was 23.57, which further decreased to 17.32 on 14th day showing statistically significant decrease (p < 0.001). The significant improvement was revealed in all the parameters of the SF-36 health survey (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Jambira Pinda Sweda have been shown to be an effective local Ayurvedic treatment for cervical spondylosis. During the study, no adverse effect was noticed; hence, it proved to be a safe treatment. Keywords: Cervical spondylosis, Jambira Pinda Sweda, Radiculopathy
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Funded by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi