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Ancient Science of Life 1992 Jul ; (1-2) :0
Pharmacognostical studies of janakia arayalpatra joseph et. Chandrasekharan (periplocaceae).

Janakia arayalpatra (Periplocaceae) known to the local kani tribe as 'Amruthapala' is a rare and endemic wild plant species of southern forested region of Western Ghats. The medicinal value of this plant as a potential drug was reported by the authors earlier (on the basis of the information collected from the Kani tribe). Preliminary ethnopharmacological investigation of the plant showed promising results. In view of the emerging medical importance of this plant, a detailed pharmacognostical investigation of this plant species was carried out. The plant species is now placed under the family periploaceae which was formerly considered to be a sub-division of the family Asclepiadaceae. Pharmacognostical investigation of the root of this plant showed certain characterstic anatomical features like those of the Asclepiadaceae. The aroma and physical characterstics of the roots have close resemblance with plant species like Utleria salicifolia Bedd. and Hemidesmus indicus R. Br.

DHARA ID: D055143 Pubmed ID: 22556607

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