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Ayu 2008 January ; 29 (1) :42-45
Kati Basti - A Clinical Study

The classical Panchakarma is a purification process. But Keraliya - Panchakarma has been derived and evolved as a health-promotion system. Kati Basti is a specialized technique of Keraliya Panchakarma in which warm medicated oil is put on Kati (lumbo-sacral region) for a specified period of time (say 40-45minutes) while the patient is lying prone. The present pilot, open, clinical study was launched with a view to observe the effect of Kati Basti in 27 patients of kati shoola (low back ache)/ Gridhrasi (Sciatica). Luke warm Mahanarayana Taila was filled up into the trough (temp. 40 degree approx) and was kept for to 45 minutes. The procedure was carried out regularly, daily for 7 to 15 days according to the severity of the disease. Maximum prevalence was observed in middle aged (38-40) and elderly (58-68). Maximum number of patients of Kati shoola/Gridhrasi/ both showed Vataj prakriti. 15 patients showed pain during straight leg raising. After Kati Basti patients showed improvement in symptoms like low back ache, pain thighs & legs, difficulty in walking, numbness soles and legs. Out of 27 patients, 5 showed good response, 4 showed poor response & 2 were lama.

DHARA ID: D002802

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Funded by Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, Dept. of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi