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Aryavaidyan 2004 November ; 18 (2) :83-86
Obesity - Metabolic disorder and its Ayurvedic Approach

It has been observed that obesity and lipid disorders are increasing in the modern effluent society where intake of calorie food is more than the calorie spent in exercises. Hyperthyroidemia leads to atherosclerosis, which causes a major risk for cardiovascular diseases. The great sages of ayurveda could visualise the conversion of madhura dravyas to snehadravyas during the metabolic changes. According to ayurveda, an obese person is liable to kshudrasvasa, pipasa, excess of appetite, excess of sleep, excess of sweat with body aches and lack of sexual power. Certain treatment modalities have been mentioned in ayurveda for this problem. Silajatu, gomutra, guggulu, vacha, kushta etc, are being used since ages for obesity. This paper highlights the limitations of modern drugs and the scope of ayurvedic medicines to treat obesity and lipid disorders.

DHARA ID: D002657

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