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Journal of Indian Medical Heritage 2009 July-Dec ; 39 (2) :221-240
Ancient Indian Knowledge of Maternal and Child Health Care: A Medico-Historical Introspection of Ayurveda

History of health care dates back to Indus civilization in Indian context, but the attention towards mother and child care started from Vedic age. Earliest available evidence of maternal and child care can be seen from Rgveda and Yajurveda. In Atharvaveda, concepts described about the conception, fetal development, mechanism of labour, management of parturition. Brahmana like Satapatha Brahmana, Aitareya Brahmana, Upanisads like Garbhopanisad, Chandogyopanisad and Narayanopanisad also dealt in detail about the maternal and child care. Ayurveda, the comprehensive Indian system fo health care is based on strong research orientation; Kaumarabhrtya (Maternal and Child health care) is fully evaluated as an area of specialisation. it has laid importance starting from selection of woman for procreation and importance of semen in creating a high quality offspring, intra-partum to neonatal care. Number of Samskara (Gestational rites) described to protect and develop the child especially Pumsavana samskara, Simantonnayana samskara Anavalobhana samskara and the importance of nourishment of pregnant woman is also very well identified. The ancient scriptures, vividly described about the mechanism of labour and concepts, know-how to midwives to manage the parturition. The Vedic literature and Ayurveda, describes the Samskara (rites) to be followed in child health care from Navajata (neonatal) stage to Kumara (adolescent) such as Jatakarma (neonatal care), Medhajanana (instilling intelligence to infant), Namakarana (Naming), Niskramana (coming out of home), Annaprasana (introduction of solid food), Vidhyarambha (Schooling).

DHARA ID: D006025

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